Italy System-Bergonzi Family (Bergonzi Family)

Carlo Bergonzi (1683-1747) was the first and most notable member of the Bergonzi family. He was one of the most famous luthiers in Cremona during the 17th century. Bergonzi is believed to be on equal footing with Joseph Guarneri and Antonio Stradivari. Carlo possibly studied with Joseph Guarneri and Vincenzo Ruggieri, and was one of Stradivari’s last pupils and assistants. Thus, some academics think he was actually Stradivari’s greatest pupil and inheritor and of his tradition. However, his style exhibits characteristics of Guarneri’s instruments more than any other style.

Carlo’s two sons, Michele Angelo Bergonzi (1721-1758) and Zosimo Bergonzi (1724-1773) , followed in the footsteps of their father and carried on the family tradition to become luthiers. Zosimo’s two sons, Ncola Bergonzi (1754-1832) and Carlo II Bergonzi (1757-1836) were both eventually in charge of the family enterprise.